Nature’s Farm™ Smart Eggs™ are the result of our relentless pursuit of improved quality and taste of fresh eggs, as well as the research and hard work of two generations. We are committed to supplying our customers with the best possible products in terms of taste and nutritional quality. Our farm–fresh Smart Eggs™ offer optimal quality in support of your good health.

Our Smart Eggs™ include:

  • Omega-3 Free Run Our hens are raised without antibiotics in a Swiss free-run aviary that allows ample nesting space and free access to scratch, dustbathing, roost, and perch areas. The flavourful, wholesome taste of our eggs is a result of the multi-grain diet of the hens. The feed ration includes corn, wheat, oats, sunflower seeds and dried herbs – it does not contain any animal products.
    • Nest-laid by free roaming hens
    • Feed contains no animal by-products, antibiotics, or synthetic yolk colour ingredients
    • Strictly vegetarian diet with generous amount of flaxseed
    • Excellent source of omega-3 polyunsaturates*
    • Nature’s Farm™ Smart Eggs™ provide increased levels of lutein**
  • Omega-3 Organic In 2003, our family farm began producing the first certified organic omega-3 eggs in Canada. Our organic Nature’s Farm™ Smart Eggs™ are the result of years of research and innovation, combined with our philosophy of flock welfare.  All grains, seeds and grasses fed to our organic hens are GMO free, grown without herbicides or pesticides, and their feed – which contains no animal by–products, antibiotics or synthetic yolk colour ingredients – are certified by CSI (and all supplier sources are verified). These hens enjoy the benefits of our unique Swiss aviary barn environment and they also have seasonal outdoor access, weather permitting.
    • Certified by CSI
    • Seasonal outdoor access
    • Grains, seeds, and grasses fed to our hens are GMO free, grown without herbicides or pesticides
    • Nest-laid by free roaming hens
    • Feed contains no animal by-products, antibiotics, or synthetic yolk colour ingredients
    • Strictly vegetarian diet with generous amount of flaxseed
    • Excellent source of omega-3 polyunsaturates*
    • Nature’s Farm™ Smart Eggs™ provide increased levels of lutein**

* Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for lowering blood triglyceride levels and have been associated with a reduced level of heart disease

** Lutein is an antioxidant helpful to promote healthy eyes and skin

Why is Omega–3 Healthy?

Omega–3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that are in short–supply in the typical North American diet. Omega–3s are important for healthy brain function, as well as for normal growth and development. Omega–3s have been linked to heart health, and studies of other Omega–3 health benefits are ongoing. Salmon, tuna, halibut, fish oil supplements, and some nut and seed (like flax and canola) oils, are good sources of Omega–3 fatty acids.

What are Organic Products?

The term “organic” means grown or raised without chemicals. Organic certification, including verification of all supplier sources, is provided by CSI, an internationally recognized certifier of organic food systems and products.

Here are some links that can answer all of your questions about organic food products and why they are important:

Organic Trade Association
Canadian Organic Growers


Smart Eggs™ are a healthy food choice and an important source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Eggs are one of nature’s most nutrient dense foods, and Canada’s Food Guide identifies a serving of two eggs as part of a healthy eating pattern.

The protein in Nature’s Farm™ Smart Eggs™ is of the highest quality found in food and contains all nine amino acids essential to our health. Dietary protein quality is measured in terms of biological value; i.e., the rate of efficiency with which protein is used for growth and regeneration of our muscles, our skin and other body tissues, as well as for production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes essential to our health. The biological value of egg protein ranks the highest – even higher than it is for milk, salmon, meat or beans. Scientists use eggs as the standard for measuring the protein quality of other foods.

‘Birdhouse’ Aviaries at Nature’s Farm™

We care about the wellbeing of our hens, and have implemented innovative free-run ‘birdhouse’ aviaries (developed, designed, and approved in Switzerland, the world’s leader in appropriate animal housing standards). The aviaries are conceived in accordance with the bird species’ specific behaviour, and incorporate natural features such as sheltered, darkened nest boxes, scratching and dustbathing areas, and elevated multi-level perches that enable the birds to roost, fly freely, and to ‘populate’ the vertical dimension of the birdhouse.